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Single-Sign-On System


Chula SSO is originally developed as a part of Chula DataGateway project. The lead architect is Krerk Piromsopa, Ph. D.. The aim of the project is to provide a single point of data access for all services on the Campus. There exist several parts of the project. Some parts are still under implementation.

The current version of Chula SSO is a revised version. It is create solely by Krerk Piromsopa, Ph.D. for other projects. It has been modified to work with the LDAP system provided by Office of Information Technology, Chulalongkorn University.

If you have to create a system that requires an authentication from Chula Id, Chula SSO is the secure and (perhaps) easiest method to archive your goal.

How does it work?

I want to use it.

To use Chula SSO API, there are two keys (appid and appsecret) required. To obtain the keys, please contact the Office of Information Technology, Chulalongkorn University.

start.1517892810.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/06 11:53 by krerk