This is an old revision of the document!
Chula SSO is a single sign-on system for Chulalongkorn University. The idea is to allow other services (either provided by Chulalongkorn University or third parties) to securely authenticate Chulalongkorn staffs and students with Chula Id. This is done in a way that users will never have to pass credential (username and password) directly to applications. The credential will only be passed to Chula SSO. This helps reducing third parties from compromising users' accounts without creating different credentials for each application.
Chula SSO is originally developed as a part of Chula DataGateway project (2015). The lead architect is Krerk Piromsopa, Ph. D.. The aim of the project is to provide a single point of data access for all services on the Campus. There exist several parts of the project. Some parts are still under implementation.
The current version of Chula SSO is a revised version. It is designed and developed solely by Krerk Piromsopa, Ph. D.. for other projects in 2016. The code has been modified to use the university's LDAP system (provided by Office of Information Technology, Chulalongkorn University) as a backend. The system is in production at since January 2017. CU CAS is among the first application to use Chula SSO for authentication.
If you have to create a system that requires an authentication from Chula Id, Chula SSO is the secure and (perhaps) easiest method to archive your goal.
To use Chula SSO API, there are two keys (appid and appsecret) required. To obtain the keys, please contact
I forgot my username and/or password. What should I do?
Chula SSO only provides authentication service. For account issue, please contact the Office of Information Technology, Chulalongkorn University.
Does it work with both students and staffs?
Yes, the service works for both students and staffs.
Do I have to ask for a permission to use Chula SSO
Yes, an application api key is required for each application.
Do you have a logo that I can use?
Well, there is no formal logo yet. However, I have just created two (one for connect, another for mangement).
To use, please take a look at our logo usage guide.